Welcome to the new BHI website. During its staged implementation, earlier reports not available on this site can be accessed on the old website.

Frequently asked questions

Can a family member, friend or carer help me complete the questionnaire?

Yes they can, but please make sure the answers are given from your point of view, not the person helping you. We would like to hear from you, the patient.

I have a question or need help with the questionnaire. Can I speak to someone?

If you have any questions about completing the questionnaire, you can call the Survey Helpline on 1800 220 936 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 8pm, excluding public holidays).

I've lost my username and password. Can I still do the questionnaire online?

We will send you two reminder letters over the coming weeks that will have your username and password. If you’d prefer to do the questionnaire now, you can complete the paper version.

Can I get help to complete the questionnaire in another language?

For help in your language, please call the Health Care Interpreter Service on (02) 4924 6285 during business hours (8.30am – 5pm). Select option 9 and leave a message, and an interpreter will call you back. For more information in a range of other languages, see our translation sheet.

Is it compulsory for me to fill in the questionnaire?

No, you do not have to complete the questionnaire. However, we are keen to hear your views. This is your opportunity to provide feedback to help improve healthcare experiences and outcomes for people across NSW.

I did my questionnaire, but I have still received a reminder letter.

Thank you for completing your questionnaire.

Occasionally a reminder letter will be sent before we have processed your response. We apologise for any inconvenience, and you do not need to take any further action.

I don’t want to receive any more patient survey mail. How can I opt out?

To opt out, please call the Survey Helpline on 1800 220 936 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 8pm, excluding public holidays).

Please note that we send reminders to complete your questionnaire. Occasionally, a reminder letter is already in the post when an opt-out call is received.

We apologise for any inconvenience. You will not receive surveys in future and you do not need to take any further action.

I haven’t received a questionnaire but I’d like to complete one. Can you send me one?

The questionnaire is sent to a random sample of people so unfortunately we can’t accommodate individual requests.

If you’d like to provide feedback on your hospital or healthcare organisation, it’s best to contact them directly. You can find out more about your options from NSW Health.

I want to make a complaint: what should I do?

NSW Health recommends that patients and families who have complaints about health services should contact the complaints officer at the treating hospital in the first instance. More information is available from NSW Health.